Thursday, January 31, 2008

Annual Art Fair - Kolkata Lalik Kala Academy

Kolkata Lalit Kala Academy is always buzzing with art activities throughout the year, guided by Sidharth Ghosh. I was very fortunate to visit Kolkata at this piont in time to witness their annual art fair, which had exhibits of Terrakota sculptures, Ceramic sculptures, bronze casted sculptures, Graphic prints, Paintings and also few crafted leather pouches by Shukla Bhattacharjee.

Oil paintings by fellow artists who work spare time at the Lalit Kala were exhibited ranging from Rs 2000/- to Rs 15000/-

One of the ceramic sculpture of a naked woman

People admiring the pieces shown at the exhibits:

A lot of figurative works; bronze-casted sculpture, one lady with mobile crafted with cement and also terrakota works were for sale and exhibition.

Artist Shukla Bhattacharjee displaying her paintings on paper on one side along with leather crafted purses and pouches on the other side.

Few leather purses created by artist Shukla Bhattacharjee.

The print studio at the Rastriya Lalit Kala has very good facilities which artists make use to bring out their editions, here is Sidharth discussing finer aspects at the venue where prints were for sale.

Few graphic prints on display for sale and show

Atin Basak one of the most popular printmaker in Kolkata during the fair.


Unknown said...

Hi umesh
Am working with the indo asian news service
i am doing a story on art investment.
would like to talk to you regarding the same.

workhard said...

Art is the only form of true expression, i am an artist and im glad u got to visit one of those art exhibits

BPO work from home

Ankur said...

I really liked your pictures. Thanks for that. Check out for digital magazine on India.

Unknown said...

Hi umesh - Any idea how I could get in touch with Siddharth Ghosh ? I am interested in his work.

Art Enthusiast said...

Amit he is the secretary for the Kolkata Lalitkala Academy, you need to get in touch with them.....

Unknown said...

Hey Umesh - sorry to keep bothering you with this question but the number I found online for the academy does not work. Let me know if you have an email contact. Thanks !

DrVar said...

hi umesh,
u are really very talented. why did it take so long to unearth u r talent?

DrVar said...

hi umesh
u can also check virashri's blog at